17 Businesses That Run Themselves in 2022

Thakur Rahul Singh
15 min readMay 23, 2022

Did you know that there are businesses that can run by themselves?

Maybe not entirely by themselves, but they don’t need your constant supervision or attention. In a sense, you won’t need to check up on them every hour of the day. If you aren’t careful, you might even forget that they exist!

These businesses are called low maintenance businesses because they require little to no input from their owners or operators once set up correctly. They take care of everything themselves, so you have to just check up on them once in a while and make sure that everything runs smoothly.

However, that being said, such businesses may require a lot of research and due diligence before setting them up and getting them up and running. The period to set up a business and run it on profit varies from business to business.

So before going through this list of 17 self-running business ideas that need little to no maintenance. It would help if you realized that every business isn’t going to be the same in terms of costs, maintenance, duration of setup, etc.

1) Vending Machine Business

